Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Making A List

On the outside, I am not an organized person.  My apartment is usually in shambles with things just thrown around, even though I live by myself and should be old enough to pick up my things.  Things have a certain place, but my closet is not organized in any particular way, my desk and the kitchen table are really just holding places for stuff, and there's always something around I haven't been able to figure out where it goes.  The only things where you can tell that deep inside there is a bit of organization going on is in my 'library' and my DVD collection.  The books are sorted by genre (relatively speaking) and then by author, and my DVDs are sorted alphabetically, with movies first, then TV series, then sets and Christmas movies.  Another way my inner organizer comes out is by making lists.  I love lists.  They make me feel much more centered in what I need to do.  Plus it's extremely satisfying to cross something off the list.

Currently, I have several lists going.  One is a constant grocery list which is posted on my fridge where I write down whatever I may need WHEN I run out of it, so I don't forget.  One is a list of things I need for my apartment, which are actually more wants than needs at this point (five months in).  One is a list of things that have to be done over the course of the next week or so at work.  One is a list of questions I have for work stuff, and one is a daily written list of the things that need to be accomplished today.  But I'm about to start my favorite type of list.  The Christmas List.

The Christmas List (yes it does get capitalized, it's that important) is not a list of things I want for Christmas, no, that gets spread out throughout the year.  This list is a list of things I need to do for Christmas.  Presents that need to be bought, what they are, who they're for, presents that need to be made for people, what they are, who they're for and the supplies that need to be purchased in order for this to happen.  Not to mention the baking and decorating that needs to occur.   This year I'm a little behind but I think I can make it all happen!  What do you do to stay organized in your life, especially during the busy holiday season?

1 comment:

  1. I love lists!! one more reason why we are friends! I have at least two going right now including the Christmas list!!
