Thursday, June 27, 2013

Fleeting Thoughts

I had an awesome idea for a blog post yesterday.  I came up with it, I even talked it out in my head.  I made a mental note to sit down and write it when I got home last night.  But of course life got in the way, with grocery shopping, yoga, making dinner, finishing up my final class, and then getting immersed in reading.  So when I thought about it this morning, I have NO idea what the idea was.  I remember thinking of it, and planning it out, and making a note to write it, but I have no idea what the actual idea was.  SO instead of a great thought out post, I give you a list of nonsense.

  • I cut my finger on a falling box of aluminum foil last night when putting away groceries.  Only me.
  •  I've become the librarian for now three different people in my life.  I probably should read new books so I have stuff to recommend.
  • Speaking of reading, I'm rereading the Harry Potter series and I stayed up til 12:30 last night finishing Order of the Phoenix.  The end, as always, made me cry.
  • That being said, Gary Oldman was NOT who I had in my head when I read about Sirius Black.  Don't get me wrong, I love Gary Oldman, but he just isn't as handsome as I always thought Sirius was.  But that's my only casting complaint.  Oh and Michael Gambon's Dumbledore was a little too harsh for my liking.
  • I have to make a cake shaped like a stack of books tomorrow for my sister's baby shower on Saturday.  It makes me a little nervous, but I think I can do it.
  • I think I'm going to join Weight Watchers and do the meetings.  As I stated here, I'm happy with my body, but I think I need to get on top of things for health reasons in the future.  Lots of not good stuff lurking around my family tree.
  • I've learned a lot from this class. I just hope it shows.
  • There are a lot of movies out right now that I really want to see. I should probably stop spending my fun money before I actually get it so I can actually go see them.
  • I get to see one of my bestest friends in the whole world next weekend, AND I get to go to a baseball game.  Pretty sure that's the best weekend EVER!
  • Speaking of that, I need to get an Astros shirt.  They are my home team, and I can't shirk them just because they're American League now!
  • I'm going shopping for a bridesmaid's dress on Sunday.  Woohoo.
  • I got to talk to one of my brides yesterday.  Holy cow I love that girl.
  • Random trips to Starbucks make me really happy.
  • Josh Groban is flipping adorable.  If you don't believe me, go read his Twitter feed from last night.  It made me laugh out loud every time he posted something new.  So much more than a four.  A solid 8 or 9 at least!
Speaking of that, my tummy is rumbling.  I should go scout out some food.

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